Attention investors! From 27/04 to 28/04, our platform will be temporarily offline for maintenance as we fine-tune to ride the stock market waves. Stay tuned for smoother sailing ahead!

  1. Welcome to TraderSmith!

    Here’s a quick tour to help you get started.

  2. Current Trades

    Start by looking at the current trades page. Here, you’ll get a quick look at stocks currently on the list and a preview of every trade.

  3. Trade Setup

    In this section, we give you actionable details for every trade, including:

  4. Current Trades List

    Here, you'll see what stocks are currently on the list and their action throughout the day, including current performance.

  5. Buy/Short Zone

    This column gives you a quick look at what stocks are currently in a buy/short zone. Simply look for a yes!

  6. Chart Details

    Click here to get a full screen chart with annotations and additional details.

  7. Market Action

    The analysis in TraderSmith is tailored for a swing trading environment, so it might be different from the analysis in other William O'Neil India products you may use.

  8. Past Trades

    Once a trade reaches the profit goal, or triggers a stop loss, it moves to the past trades section. Click on any ticker to get a snapshot of the closed trade.

  9. Recent Alerts

    Here, you'll see the recent alerts our TraderSmith team has sent out in the last 5 days.

  10. About

    Visit our about page to learn more about TraderSmith or contact your concierge. We can help you with questions on the product, receiving notifications or anything else!

  11. About

    Visit our pricing page to see better offer for you.